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Title: Discovering God’s Word Psychologically

Subtitle: Eastern and Western Perspectives

Publisher: GGP Publishing

Date: April 2022

Price: USD9.99 (Paperback)

          USD6.99 (Kindle)

Available on


The advantage of reading the Bible not only theologically but also psychologically is that we can get a deeper and richer perspective of how God’s Word affects our human nature and responses. This will enable us to better understand ourselves as well as others when we relate to them. Specifically, the book provides a pragmatic approach to integrating theology and psychology, demonstrated through biblical examples and basic guidelines on how to do it. Included is also an epilogue on the important role of such integration in Christian Counseling in the East.


“An extraordinary and worthy book on the integration between Psychology and Theology that will be one of the standard works in Asian Christian Counseling for decades to come. Edmund proves that a responsible psychological knowledge can widen and deepen our understanding of God’s Word to impact our lives through our human nature.”

Rev. Yakub Susabda, Ph.D.

Advisor, Indonesian Christian Counselors Association



“Overtly Westernized strategies may no longer be the most effective approach when it comes to the caregiving paradigm. Edmund’s new work offers a refreshing, timely, and well-balanced position because it recognizes not only the sovereignty of God’s Word over man’s knowledge, but that truth can still be gathered and utilized from the social sciences.”

Eric Scalise, Ph.D., LPC, LMFT

Senior Vice President, American Association of Christian Counselors



“Edmund has reiterated the Biblical stories from an Eastern perspective that speak and resonate closer to the hearts of the eastern readers. This is doing theology contextually and interfacing psychology relevantly for the people of the time, place and season.”

The Most Reverend Datuk Ng Moon Hing
Archbishop of the Anglican Province of South East Asia


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